Stage 4 -Recap

3. Januar 2006

Today there is another small Audio Update from Dirk von Zitzewitz (German).

The Summary of the phone call: Today went well, at the beginning it actual went extremely well. Until CP1 Mark Miller and Dirk von Zitzewitz where running in 2nd place. At around km150 they started to follow the dust of competitors in the Mitsubishi but unfortunaly that turned out to be the wrong way. Consequently they lost 4 to 5 minutes. Driving high speeds means nothing today. The true face of the Dakar Rally hasn’t emerged yet. Mark and Dirk are in good spirit and satisfied with the race so far.

Dirk had no knowledge of Robby. He saw him last on the stage working at the rear right wheel.

Statement of Mark Miller via Volkswagen Motorsports:
#309 – Mark Miller (USA), 10. Stage Position- / 8. Overall Position
„Its fantastic to drive the African dunes. We made the mistake to follow Noma through the dunes where we hoped for an advantage. We lost time.“

Today is the first Biwak of the race. Most of the teammemeber will camp in one-person tents and experience a cold night in Africa. The temperatures dropped below Minus 3 degrees Celsius. fortunaly we didn’t experience this during October in Morocco but then it got cold during the Enduro-Tour in Libya or wasn’t it? Are any of you reading this that went to Libya?

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