Mark Miller „call in“ transcript, January 3

4. Januar 2007

Hey it’s Mark Miller calling in from Lisbon. We just finished a roll out and functions test.  It’s January 3rd, that would be a Wednesday.  We went out near Estermalis (sp?) and had a 6 kilometer loop.  It had an awesome jump and some turns and bumps and things like that.  We went through a functions test on the cars and got all the belts and made sure that the helmets and spare helmets, and the liaison microphones, and the Ipods were working so he have music on the liaisons.  We went through all the final details with the whole team.  Pretty much made sure all the shock settings and things like that are done.  So, we ran the cars in and just made sure everything was perfect.  The day went well.  There was a helicopter out there filming us and we had a killer jump off contest.  I ended up jumping 155 feet off of the jump in the Race Touarag, so it was pretty cool.  The pictures from that should be awesome; I’ll try to get some up on the site if it is possible.  But anyway, tomorrow we go over to the Portugal VW factory and sign some autographs and then we put the cars through scrutineering which is the final technical inspection for us. We have an appointment in the middle of the day tomorrow.  The cars have already been technical inspected because we are a Works team so its not some much to do as it is for the crowd to take some pictures and give some interviews and things like that.  Well, we are getting down to race time and everything is looking good for the team.  I don’t really have much else to report.  I’m in Lisbon and the weather has been fantastic.  I just had dinner with some sponsors and everything is going well.  I will probably check in again just before the race.  Everything kicks off on January 6th at around 8:30 in the morning which is in the middle of the night for most of you.  Thanks for checking in I hope everything is going good back in the States and we will talk to you again in a couple of days

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