Mark Miller call in from „Stage 4“

10. Januar 2007

Yeah, it is Mark calling in, just finished the stage in La Zugat. I think things were pretty good this morning, but they went downhill. We got into a pretty good race with Luc Alphond, we passed him and he passed us back, we passed him and he passed us back. After the first set of dune crossings in a transition between dunes in a pretty rough area, when we entered the next set of dunes we had some problem. I don’t even know (what it was), we just got to the bivouac, all I can tell you is that we had to go through a lot of dunes with front wheel drive only. Thank goodness for Ari Vatenan, he was my chase guy today. He had a tow rope with him, but we didn’t need it. We had to go quite slow, it was very, very difficult to go through dunes with front wheel drive only. We lost a lot of time today. I don’t know, I haven’t seen the results yet, but for sure we lost 30 or 40 minuets. So it’s a bummer, we had a great day going up until 50 or 60 km left in the stage. Really a crappy day. Unlucky, just an unlucky deal. The boys will work on the car tonight. I’m sure they will change out the entire drive train, we’ll be back in four wheel drive and back in business tomorrow. It’s a long rally and we’ll do everything we can to make up that 40 minuets. Right now you are catching me at a low time. So, any way that’s how the Dakar is, there is highs and lows, today is a low for us. Hopefully we can come back strong, Thank for checking in.

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