Ralph Pitchford

15. Dezember 2006

Interview with Ralph Pitchford, Navigator of Mark Miller friendly transcripted by Craig Williams. 🙂

Ralph PitchfordQuestion: Why did you choose a career in motor sports?
Ralph Pitchford: Since a very early age, I’ve always loved motor sports. I’ve raced motorcycles before and now as I’ve got older I’ve gotten involved to cars, and it’s just something in your blood, and I’ll keep doing it as long as I can.

Q: What is special about cross-county (unable to understand last part of question)?
RP: What I enjoy the most about cross country is the challenge and in the people, they (are) very different to other forms of motor sport. The people are a lot more friendly, helpful and it’s just like one big happy family which that is the part I really enjoy.

Q: If you weren’t a driver or co-driver in motor sports what would have been the alternative for you?
RP: Motor sports (laughs)
Q: What in motor sports?? (laughs)
RP: (laughing) No, just competing in motor sports is great for me!

Q: Do you have idols in sports or motor sports??
RP: Definitely if I look at a guy like Stephan Peterhansel, I’ve followed him all the years, 20 years racing motorcycles and now in the cars, for sure I look up to him.

Q: Ahh, what do you do for your fitness??
RP: My fitness training consists of lots of running and cycling and then I do circuit training at the gym, I go to the gym five to six days a week.

Q: What is you biggest strength?? What is you weakness??
RP: Hmm my biggest strength in sports is basically that I’m determined and I all ways make sure that I achieve my goals. My weakest thing is I eat too much!

Q: Proper eating and drinking, what is you favorite meal and your favorite drink?
RP: Coming from South Africa, we enjoy a lot of beef, and I enjoy having a beer or tea with friends.

Q: What is your favorite town?
RP: My favorite town, for sure, has to be where I live, and that’s Pretoria, and it’s a lovely friendly city, and nice and peaceful, and lots of nice people.

Q: What are you doing in your spare time?
RP: My spare time involves riding motorcycles; I enjoy going trail riding and adventure riding.

Q: Do you have any pets? Any animals?
RP: Yes I have two children! One is a Jack Russell and the other one is a Fox Terrier, and those are my kids!

Q: For the Dakar rally, what has to be in your hand luggage?
RP: In my hand luggage I have a small camel which looks after me in the desert.

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